More than eight months after the introduction of GST, exporters
remain cash-strapped for working capital; this is despite assurances
made by the Centre last October-November that the process of granting
refunds for input tax credit (ITC) and IGST would be expedited. Given
that exports of goods and services account for about 20 per cent of GDP
and are characterised by labour intensity and a high working capital to
sales ratio, this is no small matter. Indeed, the impact, as this
month’s RBI paper titled ’Working Capital Constraints and Exports:
Evidence from GST rollout’ points out, "Petroleum and gems and jewellery
have the highest working capital/sales requirement (above 60 per cent)
and they were hit the most during October... Meat, dairy and poultry...
have low need for working capital (19 per cent) and saw one of the
smallest decreases in exports growth." Textiles, leather, tea,
electronics and plastic fall roughly in the 35-45 per cent range, while
engineering goods have a higher ratio of 47 per cent; coffee, tobacco,
ceramics and ores and minerals are in the 50-55 per cent range. It is
disturbing that glitches have persisted for so long.
The biggest
inconvenience of all for exporters is that they still have to apply
offline for IGST and ITC refunds at their nearest tax office, after
entering the refund due to them online. This is a software lapse. Since
IGST issues need to be referred to the Centre, offline applications take
time to be processed. Besides, delays arise when Customs officials
point to discrepancies between the Export General Manifest and shipping
bills. This is because the IGST amount may not be mentioned in the
former, as the exporter may not be required to do so. Delays in
processing of claims are also on account of inputting errors such as the
wrong bill number or amounts being entered. Here, too, the software
does not easily allow for corrections. These issues must be settled
urgently. That the GST process, according to Economic Survey 2017-18,
has increased the number of unique indirect tax payers by 3.4 million
is remarkable, but in doing so businesses should not be pushed to the
Small businesses, which account for a major part of the
export universe, are being made to invest a disproportionate amount of
time, money and resources on GST compliance. The filing of summary
returns on a monthly basis, with more detailed returns being filed on a
half-yearly or annual basis, would help businesses breathe more easily.
The persistence of red tapism in the exports sector does not sit well
with the Centre’s otherwise well-earned reputation of having generally
eased the conduct of business. Acknowledging the role of small units,
the Survey observes that "India’s exports are unusual in that
the largest firms account for a much smaller share of exports than in
other comparable countries". The Centre must address the concerns of
small units quickly.