Not if you consider the emission from well-to-wheel and not just tailpipe exhaust. The National Auto Policy fails to do this
The draft National Auto Policy released on February 16 is an
important document that is set to shape an industry that contributes 50
per cent of the manufacturing GDP and 7 per cent of jobs in the
organised sector. With 2030 staring them, the industry was looking
nervously for a firm direction to work and grow. The NAP, thankfully,
has replaced the term ’electric vehicle’ with the more comprehensive,
’green mobility’.
A major drawback of the policy document is that
though ’green’ has been quantified, incentives laid out, and set against
a deadline for implementation, it has not been defined in a holistic
The NAP fails to recognise that the absence of a tailpipe
does not indicate absence of pollution. Based on a comprehensive
fuel-cycle analysis, many scientific works classify the polluting
pathways into three types: Well-to-Tank (WTT), Tank-to-Wheel (TTW) and
Cradle-to-Gate (CTG). WTT and TTW are together called Well-to-Wheel
Polluting pathways
WTT analyses the
efficiency and emissions generated during the process of producing the
fuel and transporting it from the source to the vehicle. For electric
vehicles, this indicates pollution due to power generation. TTW analyses
the efficiency and emissions generated during vehicle operation,
popularly known as tailpipe emissions. Thus, WTW (the first two
pollution pathways) provides a holistic view of the efficiency and
emissions associated with any fuel pathway. Lastly, the CTG analysis,
which assesses the pollution generated during the manufacture of the
vehicle and its subsystems, is also important and cannot be ignored.
definition of ’green’ is thus crucial because there is the danger that
one may classify electric vehicles as zero emission vehicles and account
for maximum incentives by not taking into account the WTW and CTG
If these are also accounted for in calculating emissions, electric vehicles may attract maximum GST even in 2028!
difficulty in quantification does not lie with the auto sector but in
the power generation sector. Let us consider WTW emissions, from a
publication in a highly regarded, peer-reviewed, high impact-factor
journal, Energy.
This study, the first to be based on the
Indian drive cycle, reports a figure of 224 g/km of CO2 for the Battery
Operated Electric Vehicle, the norm used in the draft NAP. The
corresponding figures are 185 for gasoline vehicles, 128 for diesel, and
the lowest is for CNG hybrid at 89. With these WTW numbers, we see that
for sub-4m category of vehicle lengths, GST for EV should be 43 per
cent and for diesel it should be 29 per cent. If the vehicle length is
greater than 4m, EVs attract a GST of 55 per cent and diesel vehicles a
GST of 43 per cent.
The NAP does not define how the emissions are
to be quantified. It is not fair (or even correct) to consider TTW
emissions alone just because this may be an easily quantifiable and
practical method. NAP also recognises that electric vehicles can
contribute towards improving ’urban’ air quality. However, it is
important that pollution is considered in its entirety, on the principle
of ’one who pollutes should pay’ — popularly known as ’externalities’
by economists.
Unfavourable environment
The source
of pollution in EVs is due to the current power generation mix. With
60-70 per cent coal-based power generation, India is not a favourable
destination for electric vehicles, at least in the medium to large
vehicle categories. Considering 2030, unless coal-based generation comes
down to less that 30 per cent, EVs will continue to attract maximum GST
if the more logical WTW is considered. Interestingly, if diesel buses
are replaced by EVs, the overall WTW emissions may be 80 per cent
Studies have been carried out by several academics the
world over and the results are similar. China with the largest EV
community is not reducing its coal-based power generation. The other
analysis, namely CTG, is even more damaging for EVs. Another well-cited
paper (Hawkins et al, Journal of Industrial Ecology) reports
that EV production is two times more polluting than those of IC engine
vehicles. For a 1,50,000-km vehicle life, EV production results in CO2
emission of 87 to 95 g/km, while IC engine vehicle production results in
an emission of 43 g/km.
In a critical sense, the auto policy
needs to be closely linked to the energy policy. According to the
National Energy Policy drafted by the NITI Aayog, even in 2040, the
overall fossil fuel contribution (coal + oil) will be as high as 78 per
cent, with solar and wind accounting for the rest (22 per cent).
the key question is whether the EV manufacturer is to be encouraged?
Does he need to pay higher GST to account for the polluting energy
The draft policy has not addressed these issues, the most important from an environmental point of view.
important problem that has not been considered is the pollution due to
toxic waste during manufacture of batteries, disposal of dead batteries
etc, though one may argue that these things would improve in the future.
Electrified, not electric
motivation to promote electric mobility is understandable as there is a
need to reduce our large oil import bill. On the other hand, IC engines
are continuously being improved with technologies such as hybrids and
the recent push towards alternate fuels such as methanol, which may be
even more successful in reducing overall emissions. In fact, methanol
from indigenous coal and our large proven reserves of natural gas would
be viable options to reduce oil imports.
This also underscores the
need for an integrated energy and transportation policy for India.
Considering hybrids which have the potential to straightaway offer a 100
per cent increase in mileage for a small car, it might make more sense
to talk of ’electrified’ vehicles, rather than ’electric’ vehicles.
term ’green mobility’ has never been more complex. The definition is
crucial for an overall reduction in the environmental impact of the
transportation sector. While it is acknowledged that EVs can contribute
to improving urban air quality and have a role in the larger scheme of
things, the NAP should take into account the life-cycle impact of the
product and be agnostic to the underlying technology. It may require a
nuanced technical analysis; we have the expertise. After all, global
warming does not care about the source of CO2.
23 Feb 2018, 09:19 AM