Skill sets need to improve through reforms in training programmes and lesser government role in primary education
India’s demographic dividend is both an opportunity and a challenge.
By 2020 its estimated average age of 29 and dependency ratio of 0.4 will
be the lowest in the world. But finding jobs for 12 million young
people entering the labour force each year, and millions transferring
out of low productivity agricultural jobs, is a major and continuing
There are controversies on the measurement of employment,
but even the most liberal measures do not suggest the increase is
commensurate with the requirement. Inability to deliver as many good
jobs as required is partly responsible for India’s labour participation
rate falling to around 50 — one of the lowest in the world. The world
average is 63. Women have dropped out of the labour force in large
numbers, and only rarely to study.
Positive trends
are positive trends also, however. Allocation of labour is improving in
areas where it is difficult to measure it. This partly explains why
productivity growth continues to be positive in India despite its
worldwide slowdown. Moreover, productivity in the informal sector is
growing at a higher rate compared to the formal. The informal sector
combines services of old and new types, and sometimes you have the old
type converting into the new — as internet agencies provide drivers,
maids, and geriatric care. Better training, certification and matching
improve productivity and salaries. New technologies that leverage
youthful skills and reduce prices to target low-income masses can give
India a special advantage.
To some extent business is also
migrating where labour is — to States and rural areas. The rapid growth
in rural non-agricultural employment is one of the most promising ways
rural incomes will rise. The rural share of India’s workforce may still
be 70 per cent but agriculture now accounts for only 64.1 per cent of
rural employment. Unfortunately, the new rural non-agricultural
employment is capital-intensive —pointing towards a skills shortage, so
that capital substitutes for labour.
India’s urbanisation is also
proceeding faster than it is measured or recorded. Rapid growth in
so-called census towns again suggests a rapid pace of non-rural
employment growth. States have to give the final urban status but they
delay because of tax and municipal service provision issues. Towns
themselves do not want to lose rural development funds. One reason
public services are so poor is that facilities tend to be cut to match
funds available, rather than funds raised to provide a uniform level of
services. Improving these aspects is essential to enhance activity. Tax
regime changes in octroi and GST could be used for a proper devolution
of funds that removes such disincentives. Even as land-value
appreciation with development is more systematically used to finance
facilities, and user charges tied to more accountable provision and
quality of public services.
Urgent steps to increase productive
employment are essential for social cohesion, sustainable growth, and to
constructively harness the energy of youth. The can be divided into
short-, medium- and long-term measures.
Shorter-term measures
need to address current skills shortages, and be flexibly adapted to
the nature of the workforce and to industry requirements. While
three-month training can equip first-generation literate rural
school-leavers for retail malls, three-month nano degrees can also
re-train and equip industry workers with new skills. Such short-term
training can provide quality ladders, allowing workers to improve from
whatever their level is and industry to find the required skills.
for this to happen two major bottlenecks have to be removed. The
completion certificate government programmes require is difficult to get
from the informal sector — this seriously reduces the programme’s
contribution in general and to upskilling the informal sector in
particular. There is a fear that government funds will be misused
without formal certification. Flexible big data and aadhaar-based
verification should be designed and accepted.
Industry training
programmes are less effective because industry bodies do not agree to
common standards. They tend to vary with their foreign collaborators’
needs. Regulators must ensure standardisation so that in-house technical
training in one industry is relevant in another.
In the medium term
available for the 2000s show employment elasticity in Indian
manufacturing was only 0.09 compared to a world average of 0.3. This is
unacceptable. In order to change this, labour laws that induce industry
to substitute towards capital need to be modified. Second, relatively
low-skill labour-intensive industries could be encouraged. These include
textiles, electronics, chemicals and food processing. Third, skill
programmes must better match industry requirements.
Apart from
manufacturing, construction has a higher employment elasticity of 0.19.
Stimulus to low income housing, and signs of revival of construction in
general, will improve job creation.
The service industry will
continue to be a major employer. Health and education services are
severely under-provided. Their expansion at all levels will improve the
capability of the workforce even while providing jobs. The Indian
Medical Council that creates entry barriers and chokes the expansion in
the supply of doctors and nurses needs to be reformed. New teaching
facilities should be judged on the basis of accreditation and outcomes
rather than infrastructure, and competition encouraged.
Long-term measures
quality of primary education needs to improve. At present schools are
not even teaching the basics effectively. This requires government
schools to be freed from state control, and allowed to compete and to
innovate in response to community needs. For example, they could offer
specific skills.
It is feared automation will destroy jobs
especially low-skill ones. For example, robots are being developed to
cut cloth so that textile production can also be automated. Answering
robots are already replacing workers in call centres.
historically, although technological change makes some occupations
obsolete, it also creates new jobs, and raises income levels. Mechanical
jobs get taken away, but new complex tasks are created. Rising levels
and quality of education are essential for the mastery and creation of
new highly productive jobs that should define the India of tomorrow.
05 Mar 2018, 12:22 PM